Fully Rooted offers the ultimate, 365-day refund policy for products. We offer support and advice before, during and after the sale to ensure you make the best buying decision. But, if for any reason, you need a refund, we provide you with the opportunity, so drink with confidence!

You may receive a total refund of any amount for products purchased, if you cancel the sale before the order is processed. Most orders process and/or ship same day. If you cancel your order after it has been shipped, it will be processed as a return with fees accrued by any credit card processing company.

Refunds are determined on a case by case basis and always want to make sure every customer is satisfied with their experience. All products are unpasteurized so refrigeration is a must at all times. Shelf life varies depending on the product and recipe but the “use by date” is always on each bottle so please make sure to refrigerate and consume before that date.

Incorrect products delivered due to our error will be immediately rectified by us. We will gladly schedule a pick up and replace the product with no additional charges to and from your location. If a refund is preferred we can certainly arrange that as well!


When Fully Rooted Inc. Receives your returned merchandise

  • Your return will be processed within one business week of receipt date.
  • When we receive merchandise, we carefully inspect all returned products.
  • Refunds are granted based on individual case by case basis.
  • All returns will have shipping charges deducted from refund amount, including “Free Shipping” offers, discounted shipping offers or original shipping charges.
  • If returned products are approved: a refund amount will be credited to your original form of payment within 48 hours of approval. Due to varying payment methods and bank processing, some refunds may take up to 15 business days to process back to your original payment method.
  • If returns are more than 14 days after purchase date, refunds cannot be returned.
  • If products are not approved because they fail to meet the return requirement described in this policy: We will inform you of non-approval of your return.
  • Other conditions may apply. We reserve the right to change the return policy at any time without notice.

Please call us at 1-401-753-4930 or send an email to info@fullyrooted.com with any questions.



Juice Crew!